"The trees are about to show us, how lovely it is to let the dead things go."
My favorite time of the year is Fall. During this time in the midst of the football games, and the seasonal clothing change; the weather seems to get to the perfect temperature. This particular season not only causes us to change our choices in clothes, hair color, and makeup; but the world tends to get a makeover as well. The trees that once held leaves, no longer can; and are forced to release something they once held onto so tightly to before. Whats even more interesting, is that before the leaves are released, they change.
Before they fall, the leaves that we become so use to, change from green to an array of different vibrant colors.
Who would have known that the process of letting go, could be so beautiful?
Just like Fall, we all reach a point in our lives where with changes, we have to let things go. Sometimes, that old relationship that was so fufilling seems to die. We tend to change more than just our hair, makeup, and clothing selection, but instead we change entirely. What was once "just ok" to deal with, no longer is worth it anymore. We are ready to let these dead situations go, but yet we tend to hold on to them; despite how life is forcing us to just release them.
Its tough, beautiful.
Its really hard to say "goodbye" to any situation or person; no matter how much pain you were enduring to continue to cling on to them.
But you want to know a secret?
It gets better.
Just like those once green trees, you too will transform and have to let some dead things go; to grow, and to make room for something new. Our lives, the older we get, become more and more like the seasons. We go through these life altering changes that are scary and even dreadful at times, for us to not only depend on ourselves, but depend God.
Again beautiful, its tough.
But it does in fact get better.
Just like Fall, this season of your life too will end.
But not before you let the very things that you are clinging go.